1. Maximum character length for attacker is 20 and for team is 30 2. Add one url in each line in Urls textarea 3. Leave it team form blank if not have team 4. Only sub-domains are allowed from Government ( .gov ) and Educational ( .edu ) or Academic ( .ac ) sites, except it only 3 subdomain will be accepted 5. Any Kind of Picture Defacements will not accepted, for example http://hackedsite.com/example.png or http://hackedsite.com/uploads/example.jpg 6. Defacement page will not be accepted with /~ 7. The name of the attacker must be in the deface script or if not will declared onhold 8. In the deface script there must be at least a keyword that contains hacking elements (example: hacked by, defaced by, or pawned by). otherwise it will be declared invalid 9. Warning! Case sensitive, make sure to fill it correctly.